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(Translated by Google) The shop dollar has gone, but where did you go? (Original) ショップdollarはなくなってしまいましたがどこにいきましたか?

(Translated by Google) In the promised land (Original) 約束の地に

(Translated by Google) Do you have facilities for children? (Original) 子供を遊ばせる施設はありますか?

(Translated by Google) It seems that you can use a day-care center for 40 minutes for 2000 yen or more. (Original) 2000円以上で40分託児所が使えるそうです☝️

(Translated by Google) A general store called Chelsea I'm gone. Whether it was closed or moved I would like you to tell me. (Original) チェルシーという雑貨屋さんが なくなってしまいました。 閉店されたのか移転されたのか 教えていただきたいです。

(Translated by Google) It ’s a place where I went to play and stopped by, so I do n’t know the details. (Original) 自分遊びに行って立ち寄った場所でして、詳しくはわからないです。

(Translated by Google) Open at 10 am Morning ends at 9 am (Original) 朝10時開店夜9時終了。

(Translated by Google) Yes (Original) はい

(Translated by Google) I want to know a movie theater guide (Original) 映画館案内がしりたい

(Translated by Google) here you go (Original) どうぞ

(Translated by Google) Do you have a preclass? Also, what kind are there? ☺ (Original) プリクラありますか? また、何の種類がありますか?☺

(Translated by Google) Although it is large in size of mall, I think that there were not so many kinds of prunas. (Original) モールの規模大きいのですが、プリクラの種類そんなになかったと思います。

(Translated by Google) Is there a store that sells air guns? I would appreciate if you could let me know. (Original) エアガンなどか販売している店舗はありますか?ありましたら教えていただければ幸いです

(Translated by Google) I went yesterday (Original) 昨日行きましたが、今はないですね。

(Translated by Google) The event on the 23rd is ❔ (Original) 23日のイベントは❔

(Translated by Google) Performer? Please tell me (Original) 出演者?を教えて下さい。

(Translated by Google) Is there a barber shop? (Original) 理容室は、ありますか?

(Translated by Google) No, I'm sorry (Original) ありません、すみません

(Translated by Google) Is there a barber (Original) 床屋は有りますか

(Translated by Google) There is a cheap barber called Eleven Cut. (Original) イレブンカットという安い床屋さんが有ります。

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